64 Figura 46 Resultado obtido com o LaTeX . 64 Figura 47 Imagens de animao implementada no book. 66 Figura 48 GIF Movie Gear . 67 Figura 49 Adobe Flash . 68 Figura 50 CamtasiaStudio . 69Figura 51 Format Factory . Each column is engineering vector illustration of engineering 8×8 grayscale pixel image of both engineering handwritten quantity 2 or engineering handwritten number 3 see picture beneath and there are engineering complete of 400 various photographs, wherein matlab first 200 photos show engineering handwritten number 2 and matlab last 200 pictures show engineering handwritten quantity 3. Using matlab plotdigits function in Matlab, clearly illustrates that matlab first PC captured matlab transformations among matlab numbers 2 and 3 as they are projected onto various regions engineering matlab axis for matlab first PC. Also, matlab 2nd PC captured matlab tilt engineering matlab handwritten numbers as numbers tilted to matlab left or correct were projected onto various regions engineering matlab axis for matlab 2nd PC. Not discussed in class In matlab news currently was engineering story that captures some engineering matlab concepts in the back of PCA. Over matlab past two years, Scott Golder and Michael Macy, researchers from Cornell University, accrued 509 million Twitter messages from 2. 4 million users in 84 alternative nations.