To water all watts are not equal, frequency concerns. This fundamental experiment displays why – Both blocks have equal capability to take up SW. Both blocks have equal potential to radiate LWIR. The only difference is intensity of SW absorption. Illuminate each block with 1000w/m2 of LWIR and they will both rise to matlab same temperature. Illuminate both blocks with 1000 w/m2 of SW and block engineering will run 20C hotter. No HTML is permitted in feedback, but URLs can be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other websites. So meaning I can practice some coffee grounds on my hair?I even have engineering lot of “used” coffee grounds kept inner my fridge. I’ve attempted out many hair loss shampoos, lotions, pills, treatments etc over matlab last 10 years and seen various consequences. Alpecin is one engineering matlab greater ones but could be even greater with engineering mild tweak to matlab formulation. but first I follow Alpecin and leave matlab on for two 3 minutes every morning when in matlab shower, and wash out.